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Two Is Better Than One: Social Media Management And Social Media Marketing

Apr 27, 2022

Social media management and social media marketing are commonly treated as the same service but in reality, they are two different components of a successful digital marketing strategy. While they can both work together to accomplish the same goal, it is important to understand the key differences in implementing the use of each element separately. We break these differences down below:

What is social media management?

Social media management involves managing your organization’s online presence on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. This includes creating and sharing unique content, interacting with engaged users (i.e. responding to comments), and getting to know your audience. Fulfilling each of these responsibilities ensures you’re using your organization’s social accounts in an intentional and authentic manner, which is a vital part of forging a deeper connection with your audience. 

What is social media marketing?

Social media marketing is the process of monetizing your social media platforms and ultimately, growing your business. While social media management focuses primarily on monitoring your social accounts and establishing an online presence, social media marketing focuses more on using that presence to generate leads, drive traffic to your website, increase sales, and more. Whenever necessary, an effective way to monetize on social media is through paid advertising.

“Social Media Marketing without Social Media Management can be compared to buying an amazing home but never maintaining it. At first, it looks great but over time the home will lose its value. Social Media Marketing alone can deliver temporary results but risks a lack of authenticity if there isn’t a strategy in place for managing the growing audience.”

– Alyssa Watson, Social Media Specialist

In summary, social media management is the organic aspect of social media while social media marketing is the paid aspect, and a successful digital marketing strategy includes both. Not sure how to get started? We can help! Noisy Trumpet has a team of Social Media Specialists ready to unleash your organization’s full potential on social media. Contact us today!