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Social Media Best Practices: How to Tailor Your Content to Each Social Platform

May 3, 2021

This past year, social media has brought us new methods of collaboration. From Tik Tok dances to the launch of Instagram reels, social media platforms provided us with innovative ways to connect with each other during the pandemic. Businesses and individuals alike, utilize social platforms to share their stories, express opinions, and build overall awareness for their brand. In order to execute this successfully, brands must focus on the quality of content, not the quantity.

Here are a few ways to properly tailor content to Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram:

Twitter is well known for its unique animated gifs and clever hashtags. Before ‘tweeting’ check content for the following:

  • Keep ‘tweets’ short and concise. Twitter users do not like to read long paragraphs.
  • A tweet can be utilized as a tool to share a link to a company blog or to promote event registrations. Always double check to see if the link is active.
  • Is your ‘tweet’ shareable? Yes, likes are always positive but the ultimate goal is to get your content retweeted and shared throughout Twitter. In a Palo Alto Research Center study, researchers found that tweets that contain a hashtag, mention, or short URL are more likely to be retweeted.

Facebook is a popular tool to educate, share, and create video content.

  • The most shareable content on Facebook are videos. According to the Social Science Research Network, approximately 65 percent of people are visual learners. Use videos to educate and share stories related to the brand.
  • When writing a Facebook Post, ensure that the brand message is clear and not lost in translation. Use words the brand’s target audience can comprehend and is able to understand. According to Influencer Market Hub, an ideal length for a post contains 40 to 80 characters. A post with 40 or fewer characters earns 86% more engagement than longer posts.

Instagram is famous for its visually creative photos and stories.

  • An Instagram page is the face of a brand. When possible, select a high-quality photo with crisp colors that highlights brand content. Additionally, be cautious with the filters used because including too many can lead to inconsistency within a feed.
  • Instagram stories and reels entertain and educate target audiences. Filters and boomerangs are great tools to have fun with content. Stories refresh constantly so make the brand story as eye-catching as possible. Include music, create a unique hashtag, tag a location, or add interactive stickers as a way to increase engagement. If the story grabs attention, the target consumer will revisit your brand’s page.

Do you want to learn more about social media best practices? Contact us today. We are just a tweet, DM, or tag away!