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Noisy Trumpet Helps San Antonio Area Foundation Promote 60th Anniversary

May 28, 2024

We are excited to announce that we have been helping the San Antonio Area Foundation promote a huge milestone for their organization: their 60th anniversary! It’s an honor to represent an organization that continues to make a tremendous impact on the community and the nonprofits they support. Read on to see what we have been up to:

Public Relations 

Our PR team has been an integral part of raising awareness for the Foundation’s 60th anniversary. We have provided support through campaign strategy, messaging, media outreach, and the development of media materials. In just four months, the team has secured over 4.7M media impressions promoting the organization and the nonprofits they serve.

Social Media

Our social media team has had a blast developing social media content that tells the story of San Antonio Area Foundation’s journey over the last 60 years.  We have told this story through impactful messaging about their impact funds, grantees, volunteer events, their team, and major events. Through high-quality, visually engaging posts featuring static and video content, we have been able to reach people in the community and invite them to share their stories working with the Foundation.


The creative gurus on our team are working together to design all things 60th related, from their logos to their landing page. The goal was to emulate the original San Antonio Area Foundation logo but tie in the 60th anniversary theme in a fun and modern way. Swooping clean lines reference the clean, modern aesthetic of mid-century modern design from the 60s as a tribute to the founding of SAAF in this same decade. Lighter grays and blues have been chosen to further represent this diamond anniversary with style and simplicity. The goal of the landing page was to direct traffic back to the San Antonio Area Foundation website and encourage donations. We have also delivered an outdoor billboard and are currently working on getting print and digital ads approved. The next project for Area Foundation will be their impact report.


Our web team delved into the world of user experience, responding to the client’s desire for brightness and interactivity. To achieve this, we incorporated captivating gradient hovers, adding layers of depth and engagement to the user interface. Each hover transitioned smoothly, enhancing the overall user journey and reflecting the vibrancy of the Foundation’s 60-year legacy.

If your company has any inquiries about the benefits marketing and public relations can offer your business, we invite you to contact us. Our Noisy Trumpet team will be happy to assist!