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Facebook Tests Radical Changes to Pages Organic Reach

Nov 10, 2017

If you run a Facebook Page for your business like most of us, you are well aware that it is a constant battle to get adequate reach with organic posts. In fact, there has been a steady decline in Facebook Page’s organic reach in recent years, all thanks to the increasing competition.

Soon, this problem may be replaced by something even more unsettling.

What’s Changing

As of today, the standard news feed for users includes posts from family and friends as well as posts from Pages users follow. The News Feed algorithm adjusts this content to show the user what is the most relevant to them.

However, recent insights of Facebook users suggest they desire an easier way to connect specifically with their family and friends posts rather than scrolling through a variety of content. In lieu of the insight, Facebook is testing a new system that moves Page’s organic posts into their newly constructed Explore feed.

The Consequences

So, what does this mean for those of us that run these Pages?

First, this means that Page’s may have to lean more into the current trend of pay-for-play on the platform and loosen their grips on the proverbial wallet. Page’s will have to pay in order to be seen by users in the old newsfeed.

Second, the usage behaviors of Facebook users will have to be reexamined. Facebook is becoming increasingly family-centric. Users go there to socialize with their inner circles rather than be entertained like they are on Instagram. This means that there will need to be a shift in focus to the details of the Explore feature; how content reaches users, how users interact with this feature and which users use this feature the most.

What’s Next

As of right now, a Facebook spokesperson says that the company has no plan to roll out this change globally in the near future. More research will be needed to see how this adjustment works and what impact it has on reach, engagement and, ultimately, sales.

So, for now, you can relax and trust that Noisy Trumpet will keep you updated on this topic and others.

If you feel that you need a specialized team to help you and your business stay updated on trends in social media marketing, contact us so we can help your brand’s voice to stand out and be heard.